Mid Hudson
Bereaved Parents of the USA
Meeting Information
Parents, Grandparents
First Thursday
of the month
@ 7:00 pm
Contact Kathy for meeting information
Helping grieving parents and families rebuild their lives following the death of a child.
Click here for EVENTS
"I am so sorry about your sister or brother. How are your poor parents doing? Remember to be good, since your parents are dealing with so much heartache." These are just a few of hurtful and unhelpful things that bereaved siblings often hear from 'well meaning' friends, co-workers, peers and others following the loss of their sibling. When the death was of a young person, people focus their sympathy to the parents, often ignoring the loss of the sibling. When the death was of someone who may be older with a family, the focus of the sympathy goes to the spouse and children. Siblings, both young and older, are often overlooked in their own heartache and grief read more
To Our Surviving Children
~ Sascha Wagner
And you were here with us when the darkness came
You stood and grieved
And kept yourself alive…
We thank you now.
We have not always honored who you are
And often did not tend
Your hidden sorrows…
Forgive us now.
Because you love us well enough to wait
Until we could return to you
And know with joy and hope and love
You are tomorrow…
We celebrate your life.
And while we will remember always,
always the one, the many souls who did not live,
We see you once again for what you are:
The wealth you are, The comfort
And the promise…
We thank you now.
BPUSA has a Virtual Sibling Chapter. They meet on Zoom the last Thursday of each month. Contact Katie
KIDSAID - a safe place for kids to share and to help each other deal with grief about any of their losses
Camps for Siblings
Comfort Zone Camp - For Children who have experienced the death of a parent, sibling, or primary caregiver
Chilren 7- 17 and Young Adults - 19 - 25
Camp Erin - For Children and Teenagers ages 6 - 17, who have experienced the death of a parent,sibling or someone close to them.COPE Camp Erin New York City will take place this summer at Camp Wayne, August 22-‐24, 2014 (2.5 hours from New York City in the Pocono Mountains).
Mid Hudson Bereaved Sibling Facebook Page